Friday, December 31, 2010

The Best Way To Unjailbreak Your iDevice Without Loosing Anything

I love my jailbreak and I would never remove it, but many of my friends was wondering to unjailbreak their devices because there is no use for them(since they don’t use Cydia a lot).

To help this kind of people, I’m going to make a tutorial about the best method to unjailbreak your iDevice(iPhone, iPod, iPad, Apple TV), but first I’m going to tell you the story of you I realized this and also already making the tutorial on the middle of the story:

Today I went to the Apple Store to get some help with my iPad 3G 64GB that I got for myself at the Christmas. The problem was very simple, and I already knew the guys from the Support of that store. I didn’t knew the configuration for the exclusive APN that my carrier have to the iPad owners, so the guy there configured it to me, but the problem was that to make the configuration take effects the iPad needed to be restarted, but it was on a tethered jailbreak. As I went there prepared, before I’ve synced my iPad at the home PC, so there was a backup at my home.

The problem is that because of the tethered jailbreak, the device won’t boot after a reboot. So the guy there done some very simple thing, he had to Restore it, so the device would boot normally again. So, after he configured, I’ve noted everything on my Motorola Droid, then if I need it after I would have the possibility of configuring it at my home.

Arriving at home(here the tutorial “begins”), I decided to Restore it again, so as I already had the firmware at my PC, there was no need of downloading all that 500MB for iOS 4.2.1, then after being Re-Restored, I’ve connected it again to my computer and iTunes said that there was a new iOS device connected. On the setup screen of the new device, I saw that there was a field named Restore Backup. Then I’ve selected my iPad and that last backup that I’ve done before I went to the Apple Store.

iTunes done the backup restore, and the incredible thing after I’ve done the slide to unlock, was that everything was back there. My apps, my background, photos. But the Cydia icon wasen’t, so I’ve opened iPhoneBrowser to check out if it was still jailbroken. And it wasen’t. By this way I haven’t loosed anything and it was unjailbreaked.

Of course that I’ve done the jailbreak again after that, but for people that won’t have it again, this is the best way. So you don’t need just to make the Restore and loose all the things you had.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gameloft Advent Calendar Gone, But More Promotions Are Out!

We all loved the Gameloft Advent Calendar promotions, that on the mean-time gave us a lot of wallpapers, free games and cheaper games too.

This time was different, we aren’t more at the Advent Calendar(that ended at December 24), but now it’s for the people that still haven’t any iOS device and didn’t knew that would get one. So they are offering a free game today(and only today for today!!) for people that received iPads, iPhones or iPods this Christmas.

They are offering Fishing Kings, normal and HD for the iPad owners, so everyone can have it. Take a look at their last tweets:

And if you got an #iPad don't worry, Fishing Kings HD is also #FREE today! Happy Holidays!

Fishing Kings #iPhone is #FREE for a day! Enjoy your late Christmas present!

So enjoy the free games of today!


iTunes Connect is Back Online

As Engadget said:

They closed late and opened early...not bad for the company we love to rag on, especially this time of year when we're anxiously awaiting our holiday sales numbers.

The iTunes went back at 5pm EST, with sales data(except update downloads) and all the other stuff.

Many developers are saying that their applications grew on the number of the downloads comparing this year to the last one, others said that the number of downloads went down a bit and other that went very deep. Anyway, this is a normal thing.

Happy iTunes Connect Back day! Smile with tongue out

Sunday, December 26, 2010

2010 App Gems Awards: Apps Of The Year

At this Christmas for sure many people around the world got an Apple product as a gift, iPod Touch’s, iPads and iPhones. Also a lot of people already had them and love this great event.

The Macworld App Gems Awards is the great event for everyone that want’s to have some great applications new applications on the iOS devices. So Here you will have the list of the applications and the prices.

10 Best Reading And Productivity Apps

  • Reeder for iPad ($5)
  • Flipboard (free)
  • GoodReader for iPad ($3)
  • Atomic Web Browser ($1)
  • SimpleNote (free)
  • Elements ($5)
  • TextExpander ($5)
  • Skype (free)
  • Twitterrific (free)

7 Best Media & Photo Apps

  • IMDB Movies & TV (free)
  • ZumoCast (free)
  • iMovie ($5)
  • SketchBook Pro ($8)
  • Hipstamatic ($2)
  • Instagram (free)
  • Geotag Photos Pro ($4)

7 Best iOS Games Of The Year

  • Angry Birds HD ($5)
  • The Incident ($2)
  • Fruit Ninja (iPhone: $1 / iPad: $5)
  • Plants vs. Zombies ($3)
  • Osmos for iPad ($5)
  • Carcassonne ($10)
  • Words With Friends HD ($3)

Also, Macworld have the list of applications that they like. You can see it right here

If you have a jailbroken iOS device, MacStories made the list of the best Cydia applications of the year. Here they are:

  • FullScreen for Safari
  • FolderEnhancer
  • FaceBreak
  • BrowserChanger
  • OverBoard
  • AirVideoEnabler
  • ListLauncher
  • MyWi 4.0
  • PhotoAlbums+
  • Synchronicity

So now you have all the best suggestions of applications and games for your iOS device.

Sources: MacworldMacStories

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Finally We Are Going To Have Video Calls With Skype At Mobiles?

Maybe we are closer to have a FaceTime equivalent at the iPhone? The answer is YES! After a long time that Skype came to the mobiles they have finally realized that people like to make video calls from their mobiles.

The sad part about this is that as far as I know, this feature will only be available at the iOS version at the time. So people that have the iPhone 4 or the iPod Touch 4g will be able to enjoy this great feature.

I think that Skype will not be late to release a new version of their product to the Android with this feature, but they are focusing too much on the iOS.

Friday, December 17, 2010

iTunes Redesign Concept

Apple has made some questionable interface changes with iTunes over the past few months (most notably the sideways control buttons), and while they generally pride themselves on their UI consistency, iTunes seems out of place when compared side-by-side with other native applications. Jonny Garrill has designed a mockup of a streamlined iTunes interface that follows the same theme as Quicktime X

His revised design offers a simplified layout without sacrificing any important information, and brings iTunes back to its roots as a simple music player.

Check out the source for the full breakdown of the various UI changes and enhancements. This is just a concept, and no actual modifications are available for download. Hopefully Apple will use the upcoming release of OS X Lion to de-clutter and speed up iTunes, like they have with Quicktime.

I’ve spent a lot of time recently using iTunes, my last hobby was meticulously re-tagging my entire 20,000 song library. Over this time, I have come across a few niggling problems and possible improvements to the program so have decided to mock up an interface redesign.

The past few updates for iTunes have focused on new features like Ping & Books, and also tried to make iTunes a hub for music, movies & TV. My redesign tries to strip back some of the bulk and give a better music library browsing service.

News from iFans

Word Lens: Real Time Augmented Reality Translation

I have no words to describe how incredible this is. It’s a real time translation app that uses the camera on iOS 4.0+ devices to literally replace the words displayed with next to no lag. ¡Es asombroso! (Y gratuito, pero los paquetes de idioma costará 4,99 dólares.)

Do yourself a favor and just watch the video.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Nokia Delays E7 Slider Into Early 2011

Just like the predecessor model N8, Nokia confirmed the delay of the new Symbian device called E7 Slider.

Nokia said that this occurred due to a :minor durability issue” that was discovered on the E7 hardware.

Many people think that Nokia is making all this to attract people attention on their new product. I don’t think so, because the best period to release this product was on this month, because people would buy it as Christmas and holydays gifts, or would ask to get one for their family.

Anyway, Nokia said that it would be released on early 2011, so be advised

Army Sees Smartphones As Important For Soldiers

The Army wants to issue every soldier an iPhone or Android cellphone it could be a soldier's choice. And to top it off, the Army wants to pay your monthly phone bill.

To most soldiers, it sounds almost too good to be true, but it's real, said Lt. Gen. Michael Vane, director of the Army Capabilities Integration Center (ARCIC). He said the Army would issue these smartphones just like any other piece of equipment a soldier receives.

"One of the options potentially is to make it a piece of equipment in a soldier's clothing bag," Vane said.

Efforts are underway around the Army to harness smart phones to revolutionize the way the service trains and fights.

Army-issued smartphones are already in the schoolhouse and garrison, or on post, in the hands of some students at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.; Fort Lee, Va.; and at Fort Sill, Okla., under an Army program called Connecting Soldiers to Digital Applications. CSDA's next step, already underway at Fort Bliss, Texas, is testing for the war zone.

In February, the Army plans to begin fielding phones, network equipment and applications to the first Army brigade to be modernized under the brigade combat team modernization program. That test will not be limited to smart phones but will include any electronic devices that may be useful to troops.

"We're looking at everything from iPads to Kindles to Nook readers to mini-projectors," said Mike McCarthy, director of the mission command complex of Future Force Integration Directorate at Fort Bliss.

The Army plans to roll out wireless Common Access Card readers for the iPhone in January and for Android phones in April. This would give soldiers secure access to their e-mail, contacts and calendars.

At war, smartphones would let soldiers view real-time intelligence and video from unmanned systems overhead, and track friends and enemies on a dynamic map, officials said. But the Army must first work through the complex task of securing the data and the network before it sanctions smart phones on the battlefield.

The goal is for soldiers to get information when they need it, wherever they are.

"What we're doing is fundamentally changing how soldiers access knowledge, information, training content and operational data," McCarthy said. "The day you sign on to be a soldier, you will be accessing information and knowledge in garrison and in an operational environment in a seamless manner. We're using smart phone technologies to lead this."

Open to multiple phones

To date, the Army has not conducted testing of the concept over classified networks. The service first had to prove it could combine the phones and applications with a mobile infrastructure capable of offering service in an austere environment.

"We had to prove that we could make the electrons flow from one end to the other successfully," McCarthy said. "We took a little bit of license in not going over classified networks. Once it works, we can start working on the information assurance piece."

The Army is open to using multiple phones, according to Rickey Smith, the director of ARCIC-Forward.

"We're not wedded to a specific piece of hardware. We are open to using Palm Trios, the Android, iPhone or whatever else is out there," Smith said.

The Army probably won't develop its own phone or do much to alter the commercial phones it buys.

It would rather make minor tweaks and "ruggedize" existing phones, which as long as the phones' shapes and electronic guts aren't modified, will place them at close to retail prices, said Tony Fiuza of the Army's Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center.

Vane said the Army is still figuring out the dollars and cents of buying smartphones and apps. One option, though, is giving the purchasing power to the soldier.

Soldiers could receive a monthly stipend what Vane called a "maintenance fee" to spend on both minutes and apps, allowing each soldier to personalize his phone with the training and tactical apps he needs.

"If you did it that way, the advantage would be to pay for the phone once and then you pay a maintenance fee to the soldier ... and then the soldier can buy whatever iPhone, Android or hardware that he or she likes," Vane said. "Then the challenge is just figuring out how we pay for the minutes each month."

Connected to combat

Army officials want soldiers to bring the phones to the war zone, where their intelligence sharing and communications capabilities could revolutionize battlefield tactics.

A widespread deployment of the phones to the battlefield could come as soon as next year, Vane said.

What the Army found is that soldiers with smartphones are more likely to collect data and share it.

Vane said he wants to use the phones to collect biometrics on enemy combatants.

"Can we connect this to biometrics? Well, that's the direction we're headed," he said.

The technology is there, but "the challenge will be to work through the policy issues of sharing data and information assurance," Vane said. "Army officials remain concerned of enemy forces hacking into the phones, but don't want that fear to paralyze the use of these phones."

Credits to USAToday

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fake iPod Nano 6g

bZiHzEveryone knows that the Chinese's are pretty good on making fake copies from popular electronics, like the iPhone, iPod, Android phones and all this kind of stuff. One of their last product is a pretty well fake copy of the newest generation of the Apple iPod Nano 6g.

As you can see on the images, the devices are pretty convincing. If you see someone with one of these on the street for sure you will think that the guy have an original iPod, but this is a kind of common with the chineses. The same happened with the iPhone copy they made(aka Hiphone, Ciphone…). Don’t forget that the screen have some bobbles, but that’s because the guy that took the photos haven’t removed the plastic that covers screens to protect them from risk.

The only point that every one can determinate that it is fake, is that you can’t see the Apple logo and all those Copyright and internal memory storage stuff on the back(clip). So you can easily detect if it’s fake or not. You only need to turn it back.

This device come on 2 screen sizes: 1.5 and 1.8-inch touchscreen varieties (presumably resistive). It apparently has both an external speaker and an SD card reader. I don't know where you'll ever find one or how much it's likely to cost.

HTC EVO Shift 4G (Knight / Speedy), January 9th release date?

A leaked screenshot showing projected launch dates for a few Sprint devices tells us that a mysterious handset branded "HTC A7373" is set for January 9, 2011 release.

At the time, many other sites and researches points that the HTC Desire Z is called “HTC A7373 Desire Z”. With this informations, there are two possibilities – First: Sprint has decided to release a spin-off Desire Z, if this possibility come true, for sure we are going to see this handheld at the Sprint stores on January 9 of the next year.

The second possibility is that this device is the long-awaited hybrid between HTC Desire Z and the EVO 4G. Called HTC Shift 4G. There aren’t many clues about this, but the problem is that there isn’t much information and the images aren’t so good. When it comes January or approximating, if this device would be released on this date they will make some merchandising before. So only time will determine what device it it

Back With a New Title

As you can see, our blog name changed. After some time without dedicating my work here, I’m back. I wasn’t posting more because I had a lot of work to do, so I couldn’t dedicate some good time to post here at my blog.

Anyway, I’m back and now I can dedicate an entire day to post, since I’m on my holidays, so no more work on this period.

I’ve changed the blog title because now I’m going to try making it a bit more professional, without adding to much things about me, but instead adding more articles, and interesting topics. The new name has been chosen to make this blog looks more like a news site, like MakeTechEasier and Engadget. Also, the name was chosen because the main focus now will be different, I’m now going to aim on articles about PCs, Macs and my passion: Mobiles. This has been said on the subtitle too.

I hope you liked the new style and the new title too. I took some time to setup this new style, because I had a lot of personal modifications that I’ve done on this Blogger page, like the auto image resizing and the formatted code area.

Welcome back everyone!

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Support My Projects

As many people should know, I develop some open-source and free stuff. And I also remove ads from some Android applications.

I do this all for free and fun. But if you liked my projects, file mirrors and stuff like that. Please consider donating some money to me.

With some simple donations you can encourage me to do a lot more and a lot better too.